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Aims of EFLMLabX

In many EFLM countries there is a need to acquire additional knowledge and skills in different fields of Laboratory Medicine; this can happen during the period of specialisation or even, more generally, during the  professional life of a Specialist in Laboratory Medicine.

These skills may be obtained in other laboratories in the country or abroad.

The aim of this project is:

  • to create a database of medical laboratories, which are ready to offer additional practical education and training for skills in practice and research science in a different field of Laboratory Medicine.
  • to create links between the medical laboratories and European Specialists in Laboratory Medicine searching for training so that Specialists can:
    • achieve higher level of experience on different field of laboratory diagnostics;
    • share the knowledge and experience among practice in different lab-institution;
    • expand contacts between experts;
    • get the opportunity to be part of a team research and writing scientific papers;
    • get the opportunity to find new potential co-workers.